Fail Open, Fail Fast, Fail Cheap

1.사용자 삽입 이미지실패를 권장하는 회사는 열정과 도전이 있는 회사라고 생각합니다. 무언가 이루려고 하는 열정이 눈빛속에서 빛나고 하고자 하는 의욕이 넘칩니다.? 2002년 대표이사가 된 이후 수없이 많은 제품을 시도하였습니다. 그중 성공한 제품도 있었고 실패한 제품도 있었습니다. 하지만 이 때 도전을 하였던 개발자들은 힘들었지만 즐거웠던 시간을 보내지 않았을까 생각합니다.

넥스트웨어에서 개발하였던 제품들

다만 실패를 권장함으로써 발생할 수 있는 재무적인 위험을 어떻게 관리하느냐가 중요할 듯 합니다. 도전은 좋지만 결국 재무적인 숫자로 결과를 만들지 못하면, 혹은 재무적인 위험을 관리하지 못하면 저와 같은 파산(^^)을 맞을 수도 있습니다.

항상 조직의 리더는 재무적인 숫자를 항상 머리에 두어야 합니다.


@ESTIMA7님이 트위터로 추천한 글입니다.

Too often people are disciplined for trying things that do not work. I?advocate the opposite. Companies need to be encouraging of failure. ?Praise those who try – even if they fail.

Fail Often
Success is often just a numbers game. The more you try, the more likely you are to find a winner.?Innovation is like sales – you never know which idea will be the winner?until you try things. A big obstacle for anyone reluctant to try ?something new is being afraid to fail. Thomas Edison for example had to?make thousands of attempts at the electric light bulb before getting it?right. Don”t give up after your first challenge. Our most successful?leaders and entrepreneurs have often had to make at least a few attempts?before they began to thrive.

Fail Fast
?One challenge many companies are?faced with is being slow. Using the Fail Fast approach the motto is?”Just Try It – Now”. Many companies suffer from analysis paralysis where?often the best choice is to just try it. It is often better to make an?imperfect decision quickly than to not make a decision while trying to?be perfect. More companies (and people) lose from perfection than lose?from speed. Being able to fail fast can often mean getting a head start?over the competition. In many cases you can work on the actual
implementation later on and make changes as needed.

Fail Cheap
?Of course failures need to be?affordable. This means thinking downside and risk. Risk what you can?afford. Companies that thrive take “manageable risks”. Be creative with?ways of keeping risk low, perhaps you can test a product with a focus?group instead of over-producing. Try to negotiate a deal first before?accepting all the terms and conditions. Leverage the power of?information and talent. Failing cheaply means you can get back on your?feet more easily than someone who overextended themselves.

Having failures does not make you a failure. Not trying makes you a?failure.

So Fail Often, Fail Fast, Fail Cheap. Use failure to innovate.
For Better Innovation ? Fail Often, Fail Fast, Fail Cheap중에서

혁신을 위하여 실패를 활용하라…멋있습니다.
그렇지만 가장 마음에 와닿는 말은 ‘Fail Cheap’입니다.

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