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창업과 고용이 어떤 관계일까요? 이를 놓고 분석한 자료를 보지 못했습니다. 그런데 아주 우연히 자료를 찾았습니다. 스타트업의 천국(^^)이고 안철수씨가 오랫 동안 공부하였던 미국에서 최근 몇 년동안 스타트업이 줄고 있다고 합니다. 그래서 “스타트업의 실종은 혁신의 부족이고 보다 효율적인 경제를 향향 모색을 가로막고 있다”는 평가가 나옵니다.

According to a new report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau, the business start-up rate?the number of new firms as a percentage of all firms?fell to a low of 8% in 2010, the last year for which data was available. That’s down from a high of 13% in the 1980s and a rate of 11% in 2006. The study also found that young firms?ones five years or younger?now constitute 35% of all firms, compared with nearly 50% in the early 1980s.

Javier Miranda, principal economist at Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies and co-author of the study, said that although there are some variations in the start-up rate, the decline crosses both geographic and industry lines. “The decrease is pervasive across all sectors and states,” he said.

New firms are also contributing less to U.S. employment than in prior years, the study found. Entrepreneurial firms accounted for 20% of total employment in the 1980s. By 2010, that number had fallen to 12%. Along similar lines, the percentage of new jobs created by new firms fell from more than 40% in the ’80s to 30% in recent years.

Young firms play a special role in the U.S. economy, Miranda said, as they create disproportionately more jobs than larger, more established companies. Miranda added that the slowing start-up rate raised concerns about the economy’s ability to recover from the recession.

A lack of new companies typically means a lack of innovation, he said in an interview, and that prevents movement toward a more efficient economy.
Start-up Slowdown Hurt U.S. Recovery중에서

위의 분석을 한 연구소는 Kauffman입니다. 2010년 스타트업과 고용이라는 주제의 연구서를 발간한 곳입니다. 1977년부터 2005년까지의 통계를 기초로 한 연구에 따르면 2000년에 설립한 스타트업이 2005년까지 생존한 비율은 50%에 못미치지만 일자리는 78%가 남아 있었다고 합니다. 놀라운 숫자입니다. 아마 안철수씨의 혁신경제도 이런 자료를 기초로 ‘창업=스타트업’을 이야기할까요? 알 수 없네요. 다만 통계청의 데이타를 근거로 분석하지 않는 이상 견강부회(牽强附會)라는 생각입니다. 한국경제를 특징짓는 재벌에 의한 수직계열화가 미국과 다르기때문입니다.

The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation study ? titled “After Inception: How Enduring is Job Creation by Start-ups?” ? found that although only a fifth of start-ups make it to their 25th birthday, employment figures stayed at 68 percent of the initial number. It suggests the number of start-ups that flourish and create jobs balances the jobs lost by companies that close.

The study is based on Business Dynamics Statistics, which is compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau and tracks the number of new businesses from 1977 to 2005. The organization defines start-ups as businesses that are less than one year old.

Although start-ups’ employment after five years is 80 percent of what it was when the companies began, many of those jobs remain long term. The study found that in the year 2000, start-ups created almost 3.1 million jobs. Only half of those firms survived to 2005, but the surviving firms maintained 78 percent, or more than 2.4 million, of the jobs that existed in 2000.
Study: Start-ups Create Lasting Job Growth중에서

앞서 Kauffman이 발간한 보고서는 아래입니다.

After Inception: How Enduring is Job Creation by Startups?

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