신용위기속에서도 월스트리트는 IT투자를 할까?

미국 월스트리트는 전후 최악의 상황이지 않을까 합니다. 서브프라임사태로부터 시작된 신용위기가 끝이 보이지 않게 계속 되면서 구조조정 및 파산의 직격탄을 맞고 있기때문입니다. 분명 한국 여의도가 상황이 좋아 보입니다.

상위 대형사만을 기준으로 한 조사결과를 보면 순이익이 7천 800억원대라고 합니다.

증권사는 돈방석, 투자자는 피눈물

그렇지만 주가 폭락,거래대금 급감, 펀드 수익율 저조를 겪고 있으면서 수익률 악화로 신음하고 있습니다.
그래서 내년도 IT투자가 있을지에 대해 의문을 가지고 있습니다.들리는 소문에 계획중인 프로젝트들이 모두 정지되고 있다는 이야기도 있습니다.(?)

전 세계로? 경제위기의 그림자가 드리워진 가운데 미국에서 IBM과 SIFMA가 공동으로 2009년 IT투자계획에 대한 설문조사를 하였습니다. 당연히 증권관련 금융기관들이 대상입니다.

Wall Street Firms’ IT Spending Still Rising, According to SIFMA/IBM Survey
Despite fears over implementation costs and skills shortage,?top financial firms are still investing in technology, especially for?risk management.

In?the face of billion dollar write-downs and massive personnel?reductions, Wall Street firms continue to increase their technology?spending, according to a recent survey conducted by IBM in conjunction?with the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA).?Of the 500 IT professionals within the financial markets industry that?responded to the survey, about 200 were from leading Wall Street firms?(universal banks and brokers/dealers) and the other 300 were from?technology vendors, consultancies, infrastructure companies and other?specialists that support the financial markets industry.

When Wall Street firm respondents were asked to contrast their IT budgets from 2007 to 2008, one-third suggested that their 2008 budgets?had increased. That sentiment continued when asked about their IT budgets for 2009. The majority of IT budgets were expected to remain?the same and/or increase in size going into 2009, easing most of the IT budget declines that might have been experienced between 2007 and 2008.

In fact, smaller firms on Wall Street intend to be particularly aggressive, with half anticipating increased IT budgets in 2009 against only 8% who anticipate a decrease.

“Although the majority of survey respondents believe the sub-prime crisis was caused by factors unrelated to technology, this crisis is serving as a catalyst to increase the amount of money invested in technology/risk management initiatives,” said Randy Snook, Sr., managing director and executive vice president of SIFMA. “At our member firms, people are being asked to do more with less and rely more heavily on technology. It is clear that changes are needed in our industry and that technology is an integral part of the answer but not the only answer. The anticipated technology investments are one of several important building blocks necessary to mitigate the financial impact of future disruptions.”

While firms see risk-modeling and data mining/predictive modeling technologies as key areas with potential to drive significant business/operating model changes, most (67%) cite risk transparency as the primary future regulatory action impacting IT.

“Almost universally there is a recognition that further investment in risk-modeling is required in order to enable greater risk transparency, not only as a business imperative, but also in anticipation of future potential regulatory requirements,” said Ian Hurst, general manager, IBM financial services sector. “However, with all firms focusing on this simultaneously we foresee a skills shortage and a battle for talent in the risk arena.”

Key challenges cited by the Wall Street firms included implementation costs, given the complexity of enabling greater risk transparency, and?limited IT staff/human capital with key IT and risk management skills being in short supply. This is expected to lead to a war for talent in?this area, just as automation and rationalization are leading to thousands of job cuts in other areas.

Sifma’s Ryan: Strong IT Growth Despite ‘Trying Environment’중에서

응답 기업의 21%는 올해 IT 지출을 늘릴 계획을 갖고 있다고 밝혔고, 18%는 10% 이상 늘릴 계획도 있다고 답했습니다. 20%는 올해 IT 지출을 줄이겠다고 밝혔다. 내년에 IT 지출을 늘릴 것으로 예상한다는 금융사는 41%였고, 13%는 줄어들 것으로 내다봤다. 28%는 올해와 같을 것으로 봤습니다.

그런데 중요한 점은 역시나 투자대상이? 신용위기속에서 위험관리,데이타마이닝,예측모델과 같이 기업의 위험을 측정하고 예측할 수 있는 부분이라는 점입니다. 또하나 IT에 대한 의존이 점점더 높아갈 것이라는 분석입니다.

그래서? Risk Management System에 CEP기술을 접목시켜서 나가고 있다는 기사도 있습니다.

“It is all about having a key differentiator,” Price said, adding that securities firms need to continue spending in a range of areas such as complex event processing, algorithmic trading and data management. “A lot of securities firms have no choice,” he said. “New?technology is still coming in the door.”

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