RFID와 금융

1.RFiD라는 말이 시장에서 회자할 때부터 RFiD를 관심을 가지고 지켜보았습니다. 특히 금융쪽에 적용할 방안이 있을까 고민을 해보았지만 딱히 회사에서 할 수 있는 분야가 없어서 보류했고 결국은 사업을 접으면서 관심에서 멀어졌습니다.

당시 회사내에서 RFiD Chip 외에? RFiD Sensor에서 발생하는 대용량데이타를 처리할 수 있는 미들웨어는 증권에서 사용하는 대용량시세데이타를 처리하는 솔류션이 유사하기때문에 가능하다는 의견이 있었습니다. 근데 금융보다는 통신이나 물류산업에서 수요가 있을 듯 해서 덤빌 업두가 나지 않은 것도 하나의 이유입니다.

2. 저는 금융시스템을 접근을 할 때 항상 표준이 중요하다고 생각합니다. 그래서 하고자 하는 바와 관련된 표준동향에 관심이 많습니다.

미 FSTC,금융권 RFID도입 표준 개발 착수

좀더 자세히 알아보려고 검색을 해보니 프로젝트의 목적을 아주 자세히 다루고 있습니다.

The results of this effort will be to ensure the scalability and long-term success of RFID in the financial industry. A major goal is to create a process where suppliers can ship assets such as servers or other equipment which are pre-tagged for financial organizations. A thoughtful approach will ensure success now and migrate seamlessly through future M&A activity, new technology releases and growth into other areas for financial institutions.
FSTC launches RFID adoption project

기사에서 언급하고 있는 바와 같이 IT자산관리로 방향을 잡은 듯 합니다. 초장기에 다양한 가능성을 언급한 것에 비하여 소박한(?) 목표인 듯 합니다.

3. RFID가 세상에 빛을 보았을 때 금융권에선 어떤 시도를 했는지를 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

2004년에 보고된 바에 따르면 아래와 같은 프로젝트들이 시도되고 있었습니다.

  • RFID in the Branch. IBM is currently running a pilot in Europe?that explores the use of RFID to better manage customer relations in
    the bank branch. ?The general idea is to embed RFID tags in the checkbooks or bank cards of customers so that they can be quickly identified on repeat visits. When customers return to the branch, tellers can greet them by name. For well-heeled customers with large account balances, the branch manager might be notified by instant message that an important customer has entered the branch.While a compelling application of the technology for the bank, the pilot also underscores one of the larger societal issues with RFID; the same embedded tag that announces the customer’s arrival at the branch also announces their arrival at the local clinic, the polling place, and the local bookstore?locations that are outside the scope, control, and use of the technology as originally envisioned by the bank. 


  • RFID in the Back Office. An intelligent office pilot, conducted by the Xerox Research Centre Europe, is exploring the use of RFID to track and manage physical documents as they move around the back office. ?To pull this off, RFID readers are placed in every drawer of every file cabinet and underneath desks throughout the office. When important documents arrive, a smart label is placed on the document by the mailroom. For in-house documents, the label is attached by the laser printer as the document is printed. Correlated against a physicaldocument management database, it becomes easy for in-house staff to query a computer to locate a missing document or to be automatically notified when a document needs to be in the mail but is still sitting on someone’s desk.While the pilot is exploring this application in a legal office setting, it’s easy to imagine how this would be used in a mortgage application center as document after document is submitted, assembled, reviewed, reworked, lost, found, approved, and finalized. 
  • RFID at the Point of Sale. The payments industry is currently in the early stages of proximity payment trials. In this application,
    the RFID tag is used to trigger credit or debit payment at the point of sale. MasterCard, for example, is exploring the use of RFID tags embedded in otherwise normal credit and debit cards. MasterCard is also working with Nokia to embed RFID payment tags in next generation cell phones. American Express is following the SpeedPass pay-at-the-fuel-pump model by giving customers a keychain “fob”.?RFID-enabled proximity payments are targeted at low-value, cash-intensive environments?such as quick service restaurants, movie theaters, drugstores, and supermarkets?where speed and convenience are important drivers.This application illustrates how RFID technology can be used in a retail POS context, independent of the item-level tagging of goods. But while optimized to work securely in a payment-centric world, the embedded RFID tags still return their ID when scanned by a reader at the right frequency. While this ID might be useless outside of the payment system, it can still be used to spot repeat customers and potentially track their movement. 


  • RFID in Circulation. The European Central Bank, reportedly, is investigating how paper-thin RFID tags could be embedded in high-value banknotes to stem counterfeiting. While details are sketchy, the general idea is the RFID tag would be woven into the paper and carry much of the data that is already on the face of the note?perhaps the note’s value, probably its serial number. While this doesn’t strictly make counterfeiting impossible?it simply raises the bar on what counterfeiters have to do?it would potentially make it easier for government officials to track cash as it moves through transit centers and across borders. It would also simplify the life of muggers who could theoretically scan potential victims ahead of time to determine how much cash they were carrying, or help robbers figure?out where cash is hidden in a home or place of business.This potential application is a lightning rod of controversy and touches a raw nerve for many. Nothing is more cherished by privacy advocates than their belief in the anonymity of cash. But we think both sides are wrong; if proven viable and implemented, we doubt it would actually stop counterfeiting and we doubt it could be used for mass surveillance of people.

제가 기억하기론 프라이버시의 문제가 있긴 하지만 비접속식 신용카드용으로 RFID가 실제 사용되었다는 기사는 본 듯 합니다.

4.그런데 하나 재미있는 기사를 보았습니다. 고객체험으로 새로운 영역을 개척하고 있는 움프쿠아은행에서 RFiD를 이용한 서비스를 지점에서 하고 있었습니다.

Umpqua Bank’s New Neighborhood Stores

RFID를 이용한 Interactive Discover Wall이라는 개념을 도입하여 고객이 관심을 갖는 상품들을 동영상으로 보여주는 것입니다. 방법은 이렇습니다.

“상품소개서에 RFID Chip을 내장하여 고객이 상품소개서를 선택하여 벽에 동영상이 보이는 것이죠.”


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