코로나19가 바꾸어 놓은 일상과 비지니스

Internet Trend로 유명한 Mary Meeker가 코로나19와 관련한 보고서를 내놓았습니다. Mary Meeker’s coronavirus trends reportMary Meeker’s coronavirus trends report에서 최초로 공개하였고 이후 Bond Capital 홈페이지에 Our New WorldOur New World로 올라왔습니다. 메리 마커(Mary Meeker) 포스트 코로나 트렌드 전망, Our New World메리 마커(Mary Meeker) 포스트 코로나 트렌드 전망, Our New World를 보시면 거의 번역 수준으로 자료를 올려 놓았습니다.

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개인적으로 눈 여겨 본 부분은 ‘Work-Life Re-Balanced’입니다. 저도 이번에 처음 접했던 Zoom의 성장표를 보면서 놀랐습니다.

보고서중 이런 부분이 있습니다. 제가 눈 여겨 본 부분은 Remote Work와 Distributed Work를 구분하고 있습니다. 단순히 재택근무라고 생각하지만 원격근무인지 분산근무인지 구분하여야 할 듯 합니다.

While most companies already had teams working remotely, most believe – after the experience of forced remote work – they will shift to more distributed work.

Top-of-mind issues with large-scale remote work include questions of how to:
1) Ensure creativity is captured and productivity is maintained
2) Determine which teams are optimized by working together in-person all the time / some of the time / rarely
3) Maintain engagement and culture(s), recruit / train / develop / retain people, and manage human resources
4) Manage technology / security with rising numbers of remote workers
5) Think about recruiting if physical proximity to headquarters / office is less relevant
6) Organize / utilize office space(s)
7) Evolve business travel and entertainment

One founder said, ‘With newer start-up / founder-led companies, there can be a mindset that nothing is set in stone and there’s a nimbleness and receptivity to new ideas and change. Distributed work is just another new thing to embrace and make the best of. We are finding, in many ways, there’s a lot to like

코로나19가 왜 일상과 비지니스를 바꾸는가? 이 질문에 답을 주는 한 문장을 소개합니다.Mary Meeker, Bond Capital Chart COVID-19 Changes for Economy 라는 기사중 일부입니다.

We live in a virus’s dream world: More people are living in cities and traveling between cities than ever before. And viruses don’t need to go through customs.

Meeker의 보고서와 다르지만 코로나19가 만든 일상을 확인할 수 있는 자료는 모바일트래픽 분석입니다. Morning brew가 만든 The COVID Traffic Report The COVID Traffic Report 입니다. 미국 데이타를 기준으로 해서 코로나19이후 봉쇄속에서 인터넷 트래픽에 어떤 변화가 있었는지 보여줍니다. 정확히 ‘COVID-19’s Effects on Web, Mobile, and IRL Traffic in March 2020’입니다. IRL은 “In Real Life”의 약자입니다. 자세한 내용은 보고서를 보시면 되고 재미있었던 부분입니다. 술 소비입니다.(^^)

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덧붙여 코로나19이후를 정리한 하나금융경영연구소의 보고서입니다. Mckinsey와 deVeree의 보고서를 요약 소개합니다.

은행, 코로나19 이후 Next Normal에 대비 필요

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이와 비슷한 보고서가 국제금융센터가 내놓은 코로나19로 달라질 세상 : ‘Next normal’ 시대코로나19로 달라질 세상 : ‘Next normal’ 시대로 전환입니다. 유료자료입니다. 소개중 “코로나19 사태를 ‘Chapter break’(유라시아그룹)로 규정”라고 한 부분은 Eurasia Group의 Robert D. Kaplan가 한 말입니다.

KAPLAN: Well, thank you, Richard. It’s a pleasure to be here with all of you.

I think that what the—historians love chapter breaks, and the coronavirus I believe will be seen as a chapter break between globalization 1.0 and globalization 2.0. Globalization 1.0 is basically a good-news, optimistic story. It was about growing middle classes around the world, enlarging them, you know, eradicating much extreme poverty, building international supply chains, creating a global upper-middle-class elite, and strengthening international institutions. That world has been gradually weakening over the last few years. And creeping in has been what I call globalization 2.0, which is about great-power rivalry, decoupling of supply chains, rise of populism, middle-class angst in Western democracies, and other things which—basically, it’s a story more friendly to pessimists.

Now, there’s obviously been an overlap between the two globalizations. But as I said before, the coronavirus will be a convenient chapter break. And what that leads us to, as I point out in the piece, are all these second- and third-order effects, geopolitical order effects, that are going to occur because of the coronavirus throughout the world. Remember, the Great Recession of ’08-’09 led to a lot of developments—Brexit, Trump, et cetera—and the coronavirus will do similar. And we could get into these second- and third-order effects in the course of the hour.

Let me just finish by saying that crises like wars put history on fast-forward, and history is now on fast-forward. So what takes five years to unravel in Iran will take two or three years today.
The World After CoronavirusThe World After Coronavirus중에서


  1. 제이

    안녕하세요 매리미커 리포트 보고 들렀습니다. 정리 내용 감사하게 보고 갑니다^^

    1. smallake (Post author)

      감사합니다. ^^


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