Ghost Exchange라는 다큐멘터리영화를 소개한 적이 있었습니다. 아직 상영전입니다.
이와 비슷한 영화가 Money And Speed 입니다. 네덜란드 VPRO Digitaal가 만든 다큐멘타리입니다.
Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes us to the heart of our automated financial world. Based on interviews with those directly involved and data visualization into the millisecond, it reconstructs the fastest and deepest decline of the U.S. stock market ever: the 6th of May 2010 when the American stock markets plunged by almost 10% in only 20 minutes.By reconstructing this mysterious “flash crash”, Money and Speed uncovers a world of computer driven financial markets in which profit or loss are determined at the speed of light. Mind-blowing visualizations of financial data show what goes on in the black boxes of the world of finance.
좀더 많은 금융관련 다큐멘터리를 원하시는 아래를 방문해보시길 바랍니다.