블랙베리근무, 당신의 선택은?


사용자 삽입 이미지당신은 고용주입니다. 그리고 어떤 시간,어떤 곳에서든 업무처리를 할 수 있도록 직원들에게 Smart Phone를 제공하고 업무시스템을 구축하였습니다. 그러면 당신의 직원들은? 업무시간이 끝나고 수시로 이메일확인을 하여야 했고 필요에 따라선 업무지시를 받아 일을 해야 했습니다. 이제 당신은 직원들에게 스마트폰때문에 시간외노동이 있었고 이에 따른 수당을 지급하여야 한다고 생각하십니까?

이 질문은 최근 정보기기의 발달로 인하여 ’24/7 workplace’ 되고 있다는 사실을 배경으로 하고 있습니다.그런데 아래 인용기사에서도 나오듯이 근무시간에 무엇을 하는 것이 고용계약에 부합하는 것인지도 새롭게 문제가 됩니다. 즉, 인터넷과 PC등의 보급으로 근무시간에 회사를 위한 노동이외의 일로 근무시간을 이용하는 것이 비번하고 보편화되는 상황과 맞물리기때문입니다.

우선 Blackberry이용실태에 대한 한 통계를 보도록 하겠습니다.

The study of 3,018 workers, commissioned by the organisers of the Leaders in London conference, found three-quarters believed the endless onslaught of new technology made them feel under pressure to be constantly available, even outside of working hours.

Four in 10 (43%) revealed that they check their PDAs and BlackBerries as much as every 10 minutes. Three-quarters (77%) of those surveyed admitted that they had checked their e-mails during numerous social occasions, including weddings (15%), birthday parties (14%) and even on dates (5%). A quarter admitted that they couldn’t even resist checking their inbox while on holiday. Almost two-thirds (61%) felt that the pressure to be regularly on call meant that they spent barely 15 minutes working without interruptions during a typical day.
blackberry or crackberry

사용자 삽입 이미지

노동자의 입장을 인용하겠습니다.

But Lowell Peterson, the executive director of the East Coast Guild, told The New York Times that the Guild is trying to avoid “the 24/7 workplace”.It may already be too late. Owners of the ‘crackberry’ have pushed the modern working day well beyond the 9-5, as they addictively check and send emails. Sixty per cent of BlackBerry users in the US use the email device in bed and a third of users who have sent email while driving, according to Pew Internet. The group also found that 51pc of people surveyed said they would find it hard to give up their mobile phones.
In today’s digital age, the Blackberry’s drug-like addictiveness, could raise further queries over pay. In the meantime, ABC is reported to have settled the matter, with workers to be paid for some work on their BlackBerrys – should it go “beyond routine”.

반대의견을 인용하겠습니다.

Productivity expert Laura Stack has little sympathy for the employee side of the argument.

“Show me one employee who doesn’t waste time at work,” the Colorado-based author said. “I see so much abuse of working hours by employees — personal phone calls, socializing, checking eBay people ) listings, booking personal travel, etc. — that I don’t believe it’s unreasonable for an employer to want a bit
of work on personal hours.

“If you don’t want to be on call, don’t be a doctor, a computer technician, or a reporter,” she added.

As technology moves ahead, and the days when “having a pager was a great big deal” are gone, said Peterson, “We’re going to have to trust people’s common sense, on both sides.”

Legal expert Thompson said many of the disputes could be decided on the basis of what in law is called “de minimis.”

“What that means is, ‘Is it too trivial for the law to mess with?”‘ he said.

Many cases, he said, arise when employees grow unhappy at work. “It’s fine as long as everybody’s happy,” he said. “Once they cease being happy, they want to make an issue of it.”

Laura Stack이 말한 내용이 압권입니다.
“근무시간을 낭비하지 않는 사람을 한명이라도 있으면 데리고 와봐라!”

이제는 근무시간만을 이야기할 때는 지나가고 있다고 생각합니다.일하는 양이 아니라 질을 이야기할 때가 아닐까요? 물론 모든 근로자가 해당되지는 않습니다.

“이제는 몰입입니다.” 피플웨어에서 나오는 “Flow”도 같은 의미입니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
이상의 내용을 번역된 기사를 보시려면

퇴근후 업무용 메일 확인, 초과근무?

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