Market Microstructure: Confronting many viewpoints 2014

요즘 고빈도매매와 관련한 행사를 찾기 어렵습니다. 정확히 말하면 자주 찾지 않습니다. 우연히 논문을 검색하다가 학술행사를 보았습니다.

Market Microstructure: confronting many viewpoints 2014

논문 제목만 보면 하나같이 흥미를 자아내는 주제들입니다. 2014년 행사에서 발표한 논문중 관심이 가는 것들입니다.

Fast Trading and Prop Trading

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Time is Money: Estimating the Cost of Latency in Trading

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어떤 논문들은 고빈도매매와 속도에서 소개하였던 논문들입니다.

High Frequency Traders: Taking Advantage of Speed
Trading Fast and Slow: Colocation and Market Quality

또 다른 행사는 The Cambridge-INET Institute Workshop on Microstructure Theory and Application 으로 행사입니다. 앞 행사에서 발표하였던 논문들이 여럿 보입니다.

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이 중에서 유명한 Kirilenko의 새로운 논문도 보입니다. CFTC에 근무한 경력으로 HFT를 집중적으로 연구하고 있습니다. 첫번째 논문을 HFT와 Retail Trader의 관계으로 소개하였습니다. Kirilenko의 새로운 논문인 ‘Latency and Asset Prices’ 을 요약하면 아래와 같습니다. Latency는 단선적으로 이해할 수 없고 시장에 대한 영향도 일방향은 아니라고 합니다.

A recently completed study on trading platform latency co-authored by Kirilenko, offers a number of insights. It turns out that trading platform latency is a highly variable stochastic process rather than a constant number. In principle, this can make some algorithms overreact or underreact to changes in market conditions.

“Effects of this sort, if any, should show up in market prices, especially in price volatility. Indeed, latency, and especially the dispersion of latency — which proxies for something called jitter — does turn out to have a predictive power over both volatility and the volatility of a liquid asset,” he observes. In other words, studying latency can provide the clues to a better understanding of the price formation process in modern automated markets.

He points out that this finding explains why many regulators and policymakers are focusing on latency measures to slow things down so as to remove this advantage of HFTs. “But despite their good intentions, if applied without a solid understanding of the entire ecosystem of market participants and their trading strategies, these proposals could possibly result in extra costs and risks to the very participants they are designed to protect,” says Kirilenko, who testified on automated and high frequency trading before the U.S. Senate.

“Instead of new regulations, we recommend increasing latency transparency,” says Kirilenko. “Trading platforms should report characteristics of latency to market participants on an ongoing basis so that any valuable nontrade information contained in latency can be discovered along with asset prices.”
MIT Sloan professor finds latency affects price formation process in financial markets중에서

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해외처럼 다양한 학술 행사가 열리지 않으므로 논문을 찾는 찾는 가장 좋은 방법은 학회 홈페이지입니다. 제가 한번 이상은 찾아가는 학회들입니다. 혹 빠진 곳이 있으면 알려주세요. 잘 정리해보려고 합니다.


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