Greyspark Research가 내놓은 한장의 그림이 시선을 잡습니다.2014년 미국과 유럽 유가증권시장의 흐름을 분석한 보고서입니다. 비싼 보고서라 전문을 읽을 방법은 없지만 유동성 부족과 감독당국의 규제에 대응하여 어떤 변화가 있었는지를 짐작할 수는 있습니다. IT를 하는 사람으로써 관심이 가는 부분은 자본시장IT의 흐름입니다. 보도자료중 IT와 관련한 부분입니다.
The report shows that technology innovation in equity markets has changed direction as the race-to-zero latency and the pursuit of high-frequency trading cooled. The focus now rests on the convergence of high-touch and low-touch trading platforms as the competitive gap between the providers of low-touch and high-touch platforms narrows due to the continuous functionality enrichment of low-touch offerings.
Banks looking to reduce their trading platform costs will simplify and consolidate their platforms where possible. GreySpark says it believes that the coming 18 to 24 months will see many banks eliminate the need for separate low-touch and high-touch trading platforms as they invest in consolidated third-party vendor offerings. This belief is furthered by a trend towards independent software solutions as the technology stack has become commoditized, and only those functions that offer a competitive advantage will be maintained in-house.
Trends in Equities Trading 2014중에서
보고서의 목자가 변화를 좀더 직접적으로 설명합니다.
3.1. High-frequency Trading
3.2. The Race to Zero-latency is Over
3.2.1. Hardware-accelerated Trading
3.3. Convergence of Low-touch and High-touch Platforms
3.4. Technology Commoditisation – Buy, Don’t Build
Over, Buy 및 Hardware accelerated입니다. 아직도 레이턴시전쟁?에서 다루었던 것과 달라 보이지 않습니다. 제목중 ‘Convergence of low touch and high touch platforms’을 어떻게 이해해야 할까요? 한국시장에서 High Touch Platform이 있는지 의문스럽습니다.