Ghost Exchange라는 다큐

2013년 봄 컴퓨터에 의한 트레이딩이 미국주식시장에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 다룬 다큐멘터리가 나옵니다. 제자작인 Sullivan이 왜 이런 작품을 만들었는지를 설명한 기사입니다. 제작자의 홈페이지를 보니까 그동안 인터넷으로 보았던 사람들이 여럿 등장합니다.

국내 극장에서 상영하는 것은 쉽지 않아 보입니다. 혹시나 직접 배급해볼까(^^) 해서 문의를 했는데 답장이 없네요. 다만 EBS가 수입해서 방송했으면 좋지않을까 생각해봅니다.

In addition to the film company, Sullivan runs Visionista, a Washington-based video marketing company.

She said her interest in the US stock market was driven by her background in finance. When the Dow Jones industrial average plunged 700 points in a matter of seconds on May 6, 2010 in what was later called the “flash crash,” it grabbed her attention. High-frequency traders have been blamed for pulling out of the market when stock prices started to fall, accelerating the drop in prices.

“I didn’t realize the majority of trades in the United States are executed by computer, and not just by computer but by algorithm. What’s that doing to the structure and shape of capital markets?”

But “Ghost Exchange” doesn’t focus solely on high-frequency trading. It also deals with issues like order types, tick sizes, and the segmentation that has separated access to large-cap and small-cap stocks in recent years.

Sullivan has concluded that regulators and the industry need to work more closely with each other to fix individual problems. She also believes the SEC should add more market experts to its staff and beef up its presence in New York and Chicago, the centers of US trading.
“Ghost Exchange” film questions runaway stock market technology중에서

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