지금 가장 빠른 10G 이더넷스위치는?

DMA서비스를 위한 통신환경은 10G입니다. 현재 특정한 브랜드가 시장을 거의 독점하고 있습니다. 10G 투자를 경쟁적으로 하였던 2012년초로부터 1년여 시간이 흐른 지금 10G 이더넷 시장은 여전할까요?

그 사이 Zeptonics와 Cisco이 100나노초를 전후한 숫자를 보여주는 제품을 발표하였습니다.어떤 해외 블로그에서 10G 이더넷스위치의 순위를 매겼습니다.

Zeptonics ZeptoMux        130 ns
Gnodal GS7200               150 ns
Cisco Nexus 3548            190 ns
Mellanox SX1016             250 ns
Arista 7150                    350 ns
Gnodal GS7200               500 ns

1.ZeptoMux is the fastest way on the planet to get two 10G Ethernet packets from two (or twenty three) different wires onto one wire.  Not NxN connectivity, just a 23 ports to 1 port, and back again, funnel.  The client ports can’t talk to each other.  It is the fastest way in the world to talk to a financial market or risk service or any other concentrated service but it is not a generic fully connected switch.  It can be integrated into Layer 2 and Layer 3 solutions (such as CME). Really low jitter with 130ns +/- 6ns for all packet sizes.  A few less nanoseconds on the way back from the service. I’m biased and vested so you have to take my meanderings here with a grain of salt here as my company makes this piece of glorious magic.

2.Gnodal is a regular NxN switch like everything  else on the list except the ZeptoMux.  This switch is special as it has a crazily low latency interconnect between Gnodal switches and hence it has great specs for large fabrics.  The down side is it is not really 150ns as this is a minimal packet length thing as the first hop onto a Gnodal fabric is store and forward and hence dependent on packet length.  This means that for a bigger packet, such as for some trading environments, you may actually be 200ns or 500ns port to port. Depending on your packet size Gnodal may actually be the slowest on this list.  That’s why I gave it two entries.  Just goes to highlight the best solution for you is dependent on your specific circumstances.

3.The Cisco 3548 in Warp mode (reduced CAM == smaller network) runs at 190ns or perhaps even just a bit under.  There is an impressive Cisco chip “Monticello” in the box thanks to the work of 500 or 600 clever engineers over nearly two years that makes all of this possible I’m told.  Based on the published specs, I think this is the real gem of the lot as a fully functional switch.  Cost is a bit of an issue as I see this model, CISCO Model #: N3K-C3548P-FA-L3A, has a list price of $66k and then you have to pay for the SFP+ modules.  If money is no object and you have a small network, packets are not just minimum length, and you require NxN connectivity, Cisco is the fastest.

4.Mellanox have a neat product with their SwitchX family that will get better over time with improved firmware and functionality and I’d argue it is a better value proposition than the Cisco 3548.  I’d buy this one if I had a latency sensitive but not a latency critical application and its feature set, which is more limited than the Cisco, suited my application. The next generation of Mellanox SwitchX-2 products may provide a bit of a latency improvement and is something to watch out for.  For value and performance I like the balance of this product best for a general NxN switch.

5.The Arista 7150 series is a great product.  However they have fallen behind in the speed stakes.  Arista relies on Broadcom Trident family silicon and Intel/Fulcrum silicon for their product set with the 7150 using a newer Fulcrum chipset.  I’m a big fan of the very cleverly designed Fulcrum chips.  However, Arista’s reliance on third party silicon is restrictive and it should be no surprise that all the four vendors in front of Arista on this list control more of their hardware IP than Arista does. Where Arista really shines is their EOS and rich feature set which is something they do indeed control.  EOS is a rich, pleasant environment and Andy Bechtolsheim is a legend so why not use an Arista 7150 if the nanoseconds don’t need to be counted so closely?  If the switches were all the same speed I think I’d choose this one for the software set it offers, but they’re not the same speed.
Which is the world’s fastest switch for 10G Ethernet? 중에서

위 순위의 근거는 제조업체들의 자료를 토대로 한 듯 합니다. Zeptonics와 Cisco의 Nexus는 이미 알고 있던 제품입니다. Zeptonics는 2012년 Low Latency Technology 2012 가을 행사때 소개도 했습니다. Cisco의 Nexus는 WARP Mode를 통해 나노초를 구현하였습니다.

Warp Mode: The Warp mode bypasses some of the normal-mode functions in such a way that the switch can parse the layer 2 and layer 3 packets in parallel. The Warp mode allows 20% lower latency compared to normal mode with targeted latency of 190 nanoseconds. Further the PoC validation below shows that latency as low as 140 nanoseconds is achievable. This mode is designed for various design requirements such as layer-2 only deployment or co-location switching where reducing latency more important than enabling all the features available in normal mode, some of which are restricted in Warp mode, with reduced but practical table sizes in most deployments.

만약 2013년 현재 구매를 한다고 하면 어떤 스위치가 좋을까요? 숫자로 보면 Zeptonics입니다. 다만 고려하여야 할 요소가 두가지입니다.

첫째는 Zeptonics는 범용 스위치가 아닙니다. 매매를 위한 특수한 환경만을 고려하여 만든 스위치입니다.
둘째는 Zeptonics와 Zomojo의 재판 결과입니다. Zeptonics의 설립자 Mr. Hurd는 Zomojo의 퇴직자로써 Zomojo의 기술을 부정한 방법으로 이용하였다는 이유로 제소를 당해 재판을 받아왔습니다. ‘Zomojo vs Hurd’ 재판으로 최근 호주 재판부의 판결이 내려졌습니다.

The Federal Court of Australia delivered an emphatic judgement in favour of Zomojo. The Court found that Mr. Hurd had breached his legal and ethical obligations by taking and using Zomojo’s sophisticated high speed market trading technology and confidential information, which he then used to establish competing products under the brand “Zeptonics”, with funds invested by third parties.

Zomojo가 밝힌 판매 금지 제품은 아래와 같습니다.

Mr Hurd and Zeptonics must cease all use of the suite of trading devices offered by Zeptonics known as the ‘ZeptoLink’, ‘ZeptoNIC’, ‘ZeptoAccess KRX’ and ‘Crosswise ATS’ and return them to Zomojo.

때문에 Zeptomux는 법적인 결과를 면밀히 검토한 후 의사결정을 하여야 합니다. 아울러 ZeptoAccess KRX를 구매한 증권사가 있다면 판결문의 영향을 받을 듯 합니다. 재판 당사자가 밝힌 입장은 아래입니다.

법원 판결에 대한 Zomojo의 입장
법원 판결에 대한 Zeptonics의 입장

이상의 조건을 고려할 때 현재 최선의 선택은 Gnodal입니다. 솔직히 생소한 브랜드입니다. Low Latency Technology 2013 봄 행사때 소개하는 시간을 마려해볼까 알아보려고 합니다.

한동안 Arista가 DMA 시장을 평정하였던 때가 있습니다. 그렇지만 경쟁은 영원이고 순위는 변화입니다. Arista가 1등이었지만 숫자만 놓고 보면 4등입니다. 현재 Arista스위치를 사용하고 있는 DMA서비스 대신 Gnodal 스위치를 사용하는 DMA를 이용하면 스위치구간에서 1/3정도로 지연을 줄일 수 있습니다. 그러면 이것은 영원할까요? 아닙니다. 기술의 발전과 경쟁에 따라 순위는 계속 바뀝니다.

지금 빠르다고 영원히 빠른 것은 아닙니다.

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