화요일. 한주의 성과를 평가하고 반성하는 회의를 마치고 집으로 가는 길입니다. KBS 별관 뒷골목에 들어서니 두 분이 막걸리를 한잔할 준비를 합니다. 반갑게 인사를 하고 합석하였습니다. 막거리 몇 잔을 먹고 취기가 오르니까 사물인터넷을 물어보더군요. 관심은 가지만 깊이 고민하지 못한다고 합니다.
그러면서 한마디를 던지시네요.
“DMA와 알고리즘트레이딩에서 벗어나 새롭게 사업을 고민해보면 어떨까요?”
음, 그럴 수 있다는 생각도 들었지만 이렇게 말했습니다.
“현실적으로 고민한다고 하더라도 실행할 여력이 충분하지 않습니다. 우선 현재 하는 것을 안착시키는 것이 우선입니다.”
말은 그렇지만 고민은 항상 합니다. 물론 구체화하는 것은 없지만 머리속을 맴돕니다.
컨설팅업체들이 하는 일중 하나가 미래 예측입니다. 대표적인 컨설팅업체인 가트너가 2015년에 유망한 기술을 정리한 자료를 내놓았습니다. 앞서 술자리에서 안주였던 ‘사물인터넷’이 있습니다.(^^)
Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015
좀더 멀리 가보죠. 2022년입니다. 제가 환갑인 해입니다. 미국 전기전자공학회(IEEE
아이 트리플 이(IEEE) Computer Society가 2022년에 우리 삶을 바꿀 수 있는 기술을 23개를 선정하여 발표하였습니다. 아래와 같은 단서를 붙였습니다.
“These technologies, tied into what we call seamless intelligence, present a view of the future. Technology is the enabler. What humanity takes out of it really depends on human society.”
아래에서 자세히 볼 수 있습니다.
What will our world look like in 2022?
23 Technologies in 2022
1. Security Cross-Cutting Issues The growth of large data repositories and emergence of data analytics have combined with intrusions by bad actors, governments, and corporations to open a Pandora’s box of issues. How can we balance security and privacy in this environment? |
2. Open Intellectual Property Movement From open source software and standards to open-access publishing, the open IP movement is upon us. What are the implications? |
3. Sustainability Can electronic cars, LED lighting, new types of batteries and chips, and increasing use of renewables combat rising energy use and an explosion in the uptake of computing? |
4. Massively Online Open Courses MOOCs have the potential to transform the higher-education landscape, siphoning students from traditional universities and altering faculty and student roles. How significant will their impact be? |
5. Quantum Computing Constrained only by the laws of physics, quantum computing will potential extend Moore’s Law into the next decade. As commercial quantum computing comes within reach, new breakthroughs are occurring at an accelerating pace. |
6. Device and Nanotechnology It is clear that MEMS devices, nanoparticles, and their use in applications are here to stay. Nanotechnology has already been useful in manufacturing sunscreen, tires, and medical devices that can be swallowed. |
7. 3D Integrated Circuits The transition from printed circuit boards to 3D-ICs is already underway in the mobile arena, and will eventually spread across the entire spectrum of IT products. |
8. Universal Memory Universal memory replacements for DRAM will cause a tectonic shift in architectures and software. |
9. Multicore By 2022, multicore will be everywhere, from wearable systems and smartphones to cameras, games, automobiles, cloud servers, and exa-scale supercomputers. |
10. Photonics Silicon photonics will be a fundamental technology to address the bandwidth, latency, and energy challenges in the fabric of high-end systems. |
11. Networking and Interconnectivity Developments at all levels of the network stack will continue to drive research and the Internet economy. |
12. Software-defined Networks OpenFlow and SDN will make networks more secure, transparent, flexible, and functional. |
13. High-performance Computing While some governments are focused on reaching exascale, some researchers are intent on moving HPC to the cloud. |
14. Cloud Computing By 2022, cloud will be more entrenched and more computing workloads run on the cloud. |
15. The Internet of Things From clothes that monitor our movements to smart homes and cities, the Internet of Things knows no bounds, except for our concerns about ensuring privacy amid such convenience. |
16. Natural User Interfaces The long-held dreams of computers that can interface with us through touch, gesture, and speech are finally coming true, with more radical interfaces on the horizon. |
17. 3D Printing 3D printing promises a revolution in fabrication, with many opportunities to produce designs that would have been prohibitively expensive. |
18. Big Data and Analytics The growing availability of data and demand for its insights holds great potential to improve many data-driven decisions. |
19. Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Machine learning plays an increasingly important role in our lives, whether it’s ranking search results, recommending products, or building better models of the environment. |
20. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unlocking information in pictures and videos has had a major impact on consumers and more significant advances are in the pipeline. |
21. Life Sciences Technology has been pivotal in improving human and animal health and addressing threats to the environment. |
22. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Vast amounts of data are enabling the improvement of human health and unraveling of the mysteries of life. |
23. Medical Robotics From autonomous delivery of hospital supplies to telemedicine and advanced prostheses, medical robotics has led to many life-saving innovations. |
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