소셜트레이딩 열풍 이후

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HTS를 통한 SNS전략
온라인 자문형랩과 미러링 어카운트
삼성증권의 특허와 소셜트레이딩
트레이딩에서 필요한 SNS는?

최근 소셜트레이딩과 관련한 국내흐름을 직접 접할 기회가 없습니다만 소셜트레이딩을 지향하는 다양한 서비스가 증권사를 통해 나왔다고 들었습니다. 한순간의 열풍같습니다.

개미군단의 진화? 시장 왜곡?… 증권사들, SNS 기반 투자자 정보공유시스템 운영 붐

다만 DOMA라는 서비스는 좀 독특합니다.페이스북에서 자주 접했지만 솔직히 사용하지 않습니다. 다만 어떤 분이 아주 친절히 후기를 올려놓으셨네요. 어떤 지향을 하는 서비스인지는 짐작할 수 있습니다.


주식 어플 추천 스토리가 있는 DOMA 어플 사용기

(*)키움증권이 비슷한 서비스가 있었네요.

키움증권, ‘오픈스탁’ 사용자 1만명 돌파

오늘 글쓰기를 하는 이유는 국내보다는 해외동향을 소개하는 글을 읽었기때문입니다.

첫번째는 해외에서 나왔던 다양한 소셜트레이딩 플랫폼을 비교해주는 글입니다. FX와 관련한 SNS가 무척 많습니다.

Compare Social Trading Network and Platform Features
More Social Trading Networks Compared

이상의 현항을 보면서 소셜트레이딩의 흐름을 ‘트레이더의 네트워크에서 자동매매네트워크’로 진화하고 있다고 평가합니다.

The first social trading networks focussed solely on the online information and idea sharing between traders. The concept was very similar to that of other online social networks like Facebook or mySpace. I.e. you create a profile highlighting your preferred trading strategies and markets you trade (e.g. Forex currency pairs, stocks or commodities). You then look for like-minded traders from around the world who you’d like to follow. Traders on the networks can share their views of the markets with others in similar to updating your Facebook status. The power of these networks though involved the integration of the real-time trading feeds from the traders connected to the network. I.e. whenever a trader makes a trade in their own account, this information is automatically shared with the network. Therefore, at any time you can see the overall buy or sell trend from all the traders connected to the social trading network or your own community.

Because the networks have access to the real-time trades and performance of the traders connected to the network, it becomes transparent who’s performing well or not. The next logical step for these social trading companies was to allow investors to automatically follow the trades from traders they believe to be profitable. eToro, ZuluTrade, Currensee, Ayondo, Myfxbook and FXStat all offer this functionality.
Social Trading Networks – From social trading communities to autotrading platforms중에서

소셜트레이딩을 접하면 누구나 의문을 갖습니다.

“소셜트레이딩방식으로 매매를 하면 수익율은 눞을까?”

이에 대한 답변을 주는 논문이 나왔습니다. 아래의 결론을 해석할 때 단서가 있습니다. 논문이 분석한 상품은 Forex입니다. 외환시장의 개인들이 특정한 방향으로 쏠린다고 하여도 시장에 큰 영향이 없을 정도로 외환시장은 엄청납니다.

Following a lead trader tends to generate better results for most eToro users than going it alone. The return on investment for users who simply “Mirror” every trade by a lead are marginally positive. If they pick and choose specific trades, the ROI was negative 4%, and if they used their own trading strategies it averaged negative 6%.

Crowds do find money makers – the most-followed traders did much better than the average. The bad news: outperformance was most notable among the Top 10 traders. Reliable money making leads are few and far between.

The most reliable indicator of market direction for a given currency was how many traders were positioned in the opposite direction by “Copying” a lead trader’s transaction. Social trading does not, it seems, make reversion to the mean any less relevant a fundamental rule of investing. In fact, the authors of the paper created a profitable trading strategy which does little more than buy “Oversold” currencies and wait two days for the inevitable bounce.

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