BNY Mellon의 Center for Global Investment & Market Intelligence에서 펴낸 보고서입니다. A First Perspective: The Transformational Influence of “Big Data” on the 21st Century Global Financial System으로 ‘빅데이타가 금융에 미치는 영향’을 자세히 다루고 있습니다.
The financial system in the early 21st century likely will evolve even more quickly than it did in the late 20th century. Big data will lead to new approaches in all phases of financial markets, including asset management, research, analytics, asset allocation, trading, and risk management, according to the report. For example, fundamental equity and credit analyses likely will become even more granular in detail and lead to greater emphasis on issuer differentiation.
금융공학과 빅데이타의 관계를 분석한 논문도 있습니다. 물론 빅데이타가 주된 주제는 아닙니다만 금융공학의 미래를 논하면서 빅데이타를 주요하게 다루고 있습니다. 전통적인 분석틀을 Statistical/Scientific Approach라고 정의하고 빅데이타를 기반으로 한 분석은 Data Analytic Approach라고 정의하고 있습니다.
The traditional statistical approach, unlike the IT intensive Big Data is based on fundamental and structured hypotheses emanating from scientific statements or theories to be refuted or not, based on statistical (data) evidence (Allen 2001, Weinberg, 2010, Callebaut, 2012). As a result, the “statistical/scientific” approach reveals “uncertainty” from a given and tested knowledge base. While, data driven “algorithms” are based on a “robotized artificial intelligence” that has the capacity to treat large data sets to reveal co-variations, “associations”, “patterns” etc. based on their search (in some cases improved by built-in learning algorithms) rather than based on theory. While the statistical/scientific”
approach is an evolutionary and evolving process, based on a cycle to “hypothesize, measure, test and confirm-or-not”, the data driven approach is a short cut, seeking to “know” even though it may not know why. It is an interpretation of data at any one time with a predictive artificial intelligence that decision makers might not understand as data revelations can be as complex and as stealth as artificial intelligence may be to its users. It is a statement of a current fact—a presumed certainty, rather than a recognition that all knowledge is partial—embedded in a greater uncertainty.
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