iPad, iBookstore과 스티브잡스

드디어 공개되었습니다. 정식명칭은 iPad입니다.
전설의 경영자이지만 아직도 현역(?)인 Steve Jobs가 iPad를 발표하였습니다.

Live from the Apple ‘latest creation’ event


Steve Jobs는 다음과 같은 말로 iPad에 대한 자신감을 표현했습니다.

 “Apple has found a way
to bridge iPhone and the laptop. Because the company has already
shipped 75 million iPhones and iPod Touch devices, there’s no real
learning curve for new users who are already familiar with it.”

“The iPad is the most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price”

그러나 블로그들을 보니까 몇 가지 부족한 점을 지적하면서 실망한 사람들이 많았습니다.

1. Flash. The Safari browser included on the iPad doesn’t have Flash
— just like the iPhone. That’s a huge hindrance. How does Apple think
it can get away with no Flash? Did it bake HTML5 in and forget to tell
us about it?

2. No camera. A user-facing camera to enable video conferencing
and/or video chats was high on the list of features expected. It
doesn’t have one.

3. No multitasking. It appears that even though Apple has
re-jiggered iPhone OS to work on this device, it still can’t run
background processes. That’s a huge detractor.

4. No Verizon. The 3G wireless service that comes as an option with
the iPad is not being provided by Verizon Wireless. It is being
provided by AT&T. Man, can AT&T handle it? We know the
scorecard there.

5. No widescreen display. The 9.7-inch IPS display may be capable of
showing HD movies, but it doesn’t match the 16:9 standard screen
dimension that many of today’s devices conform to.

6. No Mac OS. The iPad runs a new, in-house built processor that
Apple calls the A4. It clocks in at 1GHz. That appears to be just fine
for iPhone OS, but the iPad doesn’t run the more capable, full OS X,
which is what would have really set the device on fire.

7. No GPS. The iPad has an accelerometer for a great gaming
experience, but no GPS. That means Google Maps is going to have to rely
on 3G and/or Wi-Fi to locate the iPad. So much for replacing your

8. Enough storage. I realize that the iPad can sync content with
iTunes and users can add/remove content at will, but 64GB (max size) is
just not enough. Not enough for the games, movies and music I’d want to
carry around.

9. Removable Battery. The iPad follows the footsteps of Apple’s
iPhone and newer laptops in that it doesn’t have a user-removable
battery. So much for bringing a spare for flights that last more than
the 10-hour rated battery time.

10. No HDMI. How is it possible that Apple would skip an HDMI port
for easy compatibility with today’s HDTVs? Stunning, in my book.

10 Things The Apple iPad Doesn’t Have중에서

그렇지만 저는 iPad를 보면서 ‘책을 가슴에 안고 걸어가는 여대생’을 떠올렸습니다. 크기나 디자인을 볼 때 딱 책과 같다는 느낌입니다. iBooksotre, iBook이나 액정보호를 위한 iPad Case도 그런 점에서 눈에 띱니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

iPod Touch나 iPhone의 프로그램을 별도의 작업없이 그대로 돌릴 수 있다고 합니다. iPad도 진화하리라 생각합니다.

지금까진 출판업자와 신문업자와 같은 전통적인 종이매체를 가진 기업들과 생태계를 만들어가는 방향으로 자리매김하지 않을까 합니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지3.
이런 상상을 해봅니다.
신한은행에서 KT와 제휴하여 홈ATM서비스를 출시한 적이 있습니다. 옆에 있는 제품입니다.

그런데 홈ATM을 iPad로 서비스를 한다면…저는 무조건 신청합니다. (^^)

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